The innovation in Panasonic automatic toilet is actually in the seat. These electric toilet seats spray water to clean one's bottom or femal genital area. The spray of water is initiated by a remote control panel attached to the seat.
Why on earth would you use your hand and paper when a machine can pleasantly and perfectly wash your orifice ?
This fully automatic toilet manages to reduce the pressure on user's legs and knees when user stand up and sit down. It reduces the time of cleaning by using self-clean function which cleans automatically with bubbles and the quatity of water. It guards stain of the splash of urine, each time you flush. This automatic toilet is useful for the people of all age. This toilet is boon for old aged and physically disable people, as you do not need to do anything.
विश्वमै ख्यातिप्राप्त Panasonic Brand द्धारा अत्याधुनिक प्रविधिबाट उत्पादित जापानिज Automatic Washlet Toilet Homtek ले बजारमा ल्याएको छ । यस Toilet ले दिशा पिसाब गरिसकेपछि इच्छा अनुसार तातो चिसो पानीले आफै सफा गरिदिन्छ । जसले गर्दा हातले धोइरहने झन्झट पर्दैन ।
Automatic Washlet Toilet नै किन ?
- बृद्धबृद्धा जो आफैंले दिसा धुन सक्दैनन् ।
- अशक्त , अपा¨ तथा बालबालिकाहरुका लागि ।
- पाउल्स लगायत मलद्धार सम्बन्धि रोगीहरुका लागि ।
- स्वास्थ्य र सरसाफाईको स्तरीयता बृद्धि गर्न ।
- समयको बचत ।
- महिलाहरुको लागि विशेष उपयोगी ।
-सिट कभरलाई इच्छा अनुसार तातो चिसो बनाउन मिल्ने ।
-आवश्यकता अनुसार तातो चिसो पानीले धुन सकिने ।
-दिशा र पिशाबको लागि छुट्टा छुट्टै Button भएको ।
-इच्छा अनुसार छिटो र ढिलो धुन सकिने ।
-थोरै बिजुलीबाट पनि चल्ने ।
-Seat Cover मा Hydraulic भएकोले आवाज नआउने ।
-Norman Toile भन्दा कम पानी प्रयोग हुने ।